Instrument Solution Group
Instrument Solution Group (ISG) provides instrument, consumables, and supplies for analytical and chemical laboratories manufactured by world-class chemical instrumentation companies such as Agilent, Gerstel, Peak, Gilson, Wasson-Ece Instrument, Frontier Lab, Gulf-Bio Analytical and Spectra Analysis.
Frontier Laboratories is a research and development company established in 1991. We are consistently doing basic research and development of analytical pyrolysis instruments and methods, and manufacturing pyrolyzers with associated accessories. We have a wide range of analytical applications that include physical property evaluation of polymer materials used in various advanced scientific fields such as quality control in aircraft and automobile industries, differentiation of rubber, paint, paper in forensic investigations, and identification of environmental pollutants such as microplastics.
Our company has set “Practicing WIN-WIN” as our management philosophy. This means that the people concerned are all healthy, learn together, appreciate and respect each other, boost their ambitions, and contribute widely to society while climbing the spiral staircase of growth together.

Multi-Functional Pyrolysis System
The Multi-Functional Pyrolysis System consists of Multi-Shot Pyrolyzer and its accessory devices and helps perform rapid characterization of polymeric materials in detail.

Rapid Catalyst Screening System
The Rapid Catalyst Screening System, consisting of a Tandem µ-Reactor and its accessories, helps perform rapid screening of catalysts. The system even allows online real-time observation of reaction products.

Berca Building, 1st Floor
Jl. Abdul Muis No. 62, Jakarta 10160
Phone : 0811 1047 038 (ISG)
Phone : 0855 100 6780 (HSG)
Fax : +62 21 3518832
E-Mail: bnm@bercaniaga.co.id
Web Site: www.bercaniaga.co.id
© 2024 Berca Niaga Medika. All Right Reserved
Registered in Indonesia
Registered Office : Berca Building, 1st Floor
Jalan Abdul Muis No. 62, Jakarta 10160
Instrument Solution Group
Peak Scientific
Wasson-ECE Instrument
Frontier Labs
Gulf Bio Analytical
Spectra Analysis
Chrome Analytical