About Us ▶️
Berca Niaga Medika (BNM) is a business line in Berca Group, a well known business group in Indonesia engaged broadly in trading, engineering and business contracting. BNM has two division : Instrument Solution Group (ISG) and Healthcare Solution Group (HSG)
With Jakarta office as a headquarter, we also have 9 branches spreadly located in Indonesia : Medan, Balikpapan, Makassar, Bandung, Semarang, Jogyakarta, Solo, Surabaya and Denpasar.
Our Training Centre that provides In-house and customized Training based on customer’s need.
With goal to be a Preferred Provider of Total Solution for all Healthcare & Laboratories supplies in Indonesia. We ensure a quick and state-of-the art response to technological changes and thorough understanding about customer expectation in order to provide high quality service and application.
Dedicated Service team consists of high talented professionals with strong technical and commercial backgrounds. They are fully dedicated to fulfil our customer needs.
As proves of our hard work, we have achieved several ISO Certification namely : ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System, ISO 13485:2016 Quality Management System for Medical Devices, CDAKB, ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System.
Being a distributor Healthcare Equipment and Laboratories Supplies Instrument that have a healthy competitiveness, trustworthy and reliable by the customer.
To continue to provide high quality products and installation, training, maintenance and repair service of excellence in order to achieve customer satisfcation.
PT. Berca Niaga Medika
Instrument Solution Group (ISG)
Instrument Solution Group (ISG) provides instrument, consumables and supplies for analytical and chemical laboratories manufactured by world-class chemical intrumentation companies such as Agilent, Gerstel, Peak Scientific, Gilson, Wasson-Ece Instrument, Frontier Lab, Gulf Bio Analytical, Spectra Analysis and Chrome Analytical.
PT. Berca Niaga Medika
Healthcare Solution Group (HSG)
Healthcare Solution Group (HSG) provides instruments, consumables and supplies for hospitals, clinics, and medical centers from major healthcare equipment manufacturing firms such as Philips, FujiFilm, Comen, Bayer MEDRAD, Huanyu, and Baihe Medical.
PT. Berca Niaga Medika
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Strong and Lasting Commitment
High Quality Services
Over the past few decades, BNM has developed close ties to their partners as evidenced by strong and lasting commitment to promote their products, and to provide dependable and high quality services to its customers.
Approved By Many
Trusted By Many Organization Around The World.
Many organization has approved of our products. The quality to ensure the best products you can use for your needs.

Live Chat Support
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Feel free to contact us in Office Hours (08.00 AM – 05.00 PM WIB) if you have any question regarding our products.

Berca Building, 1st Floor
Jl. Abdul Muis No. 62, Jakarta 10160
WhatsApp Care : 0811 1047 038 (ISG)
WhatsApp Care : 0855 100 6780 (HSG)
E-Mail: bnm@bercaniaga.co.id
Web Site: www.bercaniaga.co.id
© 2024 Berca Niaga Medika. All Right Reserved
Registered in Indonesia
Registered Office : Berca Building, 1st Floor
Jalan Abdul Muis No. 62, Jakarta 10160
Instrument Solution Group
Peak Scientific
Wasson-ECE Instrument
Frontier Labs
Gulf Bio Analytical
Spectra Analysis
Chrome Analytical