Instrument Solution Group
Instrument Solution Group (ISG) provides instrument, consumables, and supplies for analytical and chemical laboratories manufactured by world-class chemical instrumentation companies such as Agilent, Gerstel, Peak, Gilson, Wasson-Ece Instrument, Frontier Lab, Gulf-Bio Analytical and Spectra Analysis.
Partners with customers to overcome technical challenges
Wasson-ECE partners with customers to improve their products and overcome technical challenges.
We do this by providing the highest quality analytical instrumentation and support. We employ exceptionally helpful and knowledgeable people in all departments who are committed to solving problems and acting in the best interest of the customer.
We aspire to meet our customer’s analytical needs by being the world’s experts in gas chromatography. This includes all aspects of the technology, from sample capture, introduction, chromatographic analysis, calibration, data reduction, training, and technical support. We’re committed to this vision in both the laboratory and on-line environments. We have the experience. We have the innovation. We have the solutions. Contact Wasson-ECE today to find out how we can help your company save time and money with a custom analytical system.

Wasson-ECE Applicated GC
The capabilities of a gas chromatograph (GC) are unmatched in analytical chemistry. Unfortunately, a GC is a complex device with a lot of parts that need to work in harmony to correctly perform the analysis you’re after. GC’s are typically sold as “vanilla boxes” and the component selection and method development are all left up to you.

Berca Building, 1st Floor
Jl. Abdul Muis No. 62, Jakarta 10160
Phone : 0811 1047 038 (ISG)
Phone : 0855 100 6780 (HSG)
Fax : +62 21 3518832
E-Mail: bnm@bercaniaga.co.id
Web Site: www.bercaniaga.co.id
© 2024 Berca Niaga Medika. All Right Reserved
Registered in Indonesia
Registered Office : Berca Building, 1st Floor
Jalan Abdul Muis No. 62, Jakarta 10160
Instrument Solution Group
Peak Scientific
Wasson-ECE Instrument
Frontier Labs
Gulf Bio Analytical
Spectra Analysis
Chrome Analytical